Officer Duties
It is the responsibility of the President to preside at all meetings. The President must have general supervision, direction, and control of the business and officers of the association. The President shall work with the 1st VP to appoint all sub committees and shall be an Ex-Officio member of each committee.
It is the responsibility of the 1st Vice President to perform the duties of the President, if absent. The 1st Vice President shall aid and assist the President when necessary. The 1st Vice President is responsible for the planning and implementation of three annual social events (Crab Feed, Glow Bowling/Summer Event, and Golf Tournament). The 1st Vice President will prepare and submit a summary of the event and a budget to be adopted by way of majority vote by the Board of Directors. If the 1st Vice President makes a recommendation for an additional social event the same procedure applies. A budgets and summary must be adopted with a majority vote by the Board of Directors. The 1st Vice President will work with the President in appointing all sub committees for each special event as needed.
It is the responsibility of the 2nd Vice President to arrange speakers for the six Educational Hours. The Educational Hours will be held on the second Tuesday of the month to be held in no months other than Feb/March/April/Sept/October/November unless otherwise approved to allow a break for the Spring Conference/Summer School Session and December/January to allow for the election of the New Year’s Board of Directors and onboarding. The individual must get approval from the Board of Directors regarding speakers and topics and must confirm the speaking arrangements in writing. The 2nd Vice President will submit all necessary documents for long term storage of education topics and attendees of luncheons/Zoom sessions. They will also be responsible for managing the maintaining of the records for all MCLE & CEU forms and Certificate of Attendance as outlined under (California Code of Regulations, Title 10 Chapter 5 Subchapter 3 to include all of section 2592) 2nd Vice President will coordinate with the Webmaster & Corresponding Secretary about the speaker information to allow for the publicity efforts to be made to all platforms in advance and written correspondence to be sent out timely to attendees after the sessions.
It is the responsibility of the 3rd Vice President(s) to organize the Annual Spring Seminar in May or host the Summer Session Webinar style whichever is approved by vote from the Board of Directors. The Seminar is to provide 5-6 hours of continuing education for all attendees. A proposal of budget and speakers outline & topics must be adopted with a majority vote by the Board of Directors. The 3rd Vice President(s) will submit all necessary documents to the Webmaster proper advanced publicity efforts on all platforms. They will also be responsible to work with the Secretary for creation and maintenance of all MCLE & Claims Examiner forms and Certificate of Attendance as outlined under (California Code of Regulations, Title 10 Chapter 5 Subchapter 3 to include all of section 2592.)
It is the responsibility of the 4th Vice President to distribute membership notices to all existing and potential members. The 4th Vice President is responsible for direct communication and follow up with the Treasure regarding payment and invoicing of membership dues. If necessary, they will follow up with the member regarding payment status. Upon receipt of confirmation of payment formal notice of Membership will be sent to the Member from the 4th Vice President. The 4th Vice President will compile and maintain a membership roster of the Gold, and General membership level members in good standings, a copy of which will be available upon request. The 4th Vice President will contact the designated/preferred graphics company and have the “Gold Member” sign updated twice a year and will be responsible for bringing the Gold Member sign to all physically attended events, in addition to housing the sign.
It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to keep an accurate accounting of all funds, disbursed funds, and account for all receipts and disbursements at each Board of Directors Meeting. The Treasurer will annually prepare and present all financial records to an independent accountant. The Treasurer will work directly with the President on the financial portion of the database on the website and the Merchant / Store updates. This role is also responsible for making sure all tax forms/filings are addressed as required and will make sure all state required certifications/memberships are maintained in good standing for our ability to continue to provide MCLE & CEU credits.
It is the responsibility of the Secretary to distribute after the Educational Hours and any other events deemed necessary by the President and or the 1st VP to distribute all certifications (MCLE & CEU) to attendees. The Secretary will receive from the 2nd VP and 3rd VPs all master lists of all who attended the the educational event and it responsible to make sure this information is maintained for our records. It is the responsibility of the Secretary to take minutes of each Board Meeting and provide them to each member of the Board of Directors no later than the following monthly Board Meeting so they can be properly be adopted. The Recording Secretary will maintain the minutes of all meetings and a copy of the By-Laws. The records will be maintained along with the By-Laws in a permanent file format to be passed on to the successor. The Secretary will assist at the registration/check in of any event held in person and as determined by the 1st V.P.
It is the responsibility of the Webmaster to maintain advanced publicity campaigns on all platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, the VICA website) regarding all upcoming social and educational events and to work with the chairs of those events to make sure this is done timely. Maintenance of the VICA website and notice to the board if outside professional assistance is needed for improvements to the website. After conferring with any event chairs, the Webmaster shall obtain from our designated design company the flyers/images to be used for the event and shall schedule all publicity campaigns using the Mail Chip platform based on the agreed upon the event chair preferred time table. The Webmaster will assist with all Mail Chimp blast communications to the VICA Member (Gold and Regular) as well as the VICA mailing list maintained w/in the Mail Chip platform.
Serves as ex-officio member acting as liaison to the President and to other Industrial Claims Associations. This role further serves to assist to break any tie vote that occurred among the current sitting Board of Directors.